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Problem Analysis and Solving Sand Table Simulation Training Outline

Training background

The operation and development of the enterprise is a series of problem-solving process, the effect of problem solving will directly determine the effectiveness of the enterprise;

Problem solving is not solely rely on experience, not to mention by shooting the brain, a flash of insight to solve, must need a set of methods that can be replicated within the organization to get good use of good promotion;

For professionals, in the process of successfully and excellently completing a job, will always encounter big or small problems. Without mastering the method of analyzing and solving work problems, it is a hindrance to the work itself. Many managers are often puzzled by the following problems:

The ability to analyze and solve problems has become one of the basic competencies necessary for professionals, especially managers.

Training Objectives

1. to help business people to recognize problems, identify causes, find countermeasures and implement actions in the work process;

2. to clarify the ideas of analyzing problems and solving problems;

3. to master the methods and steps of problem analysis;

4. to master the principles, methods and strategies of problem solving;

5. to improve individual and team problem-solving skills and team decision-making ability;

6. work more quickly and effectively as a team and as individuals with complex or simple problems, decisions, and planning;

7. resolving incidents of concern and clarifying misinformation on the basis of facts (not guesses or assumptions);

8. identifying the real reasons for poor or good performance and determining solutions and improvements;

9. implement solutions and improvements more effectively through excellent risk management.

Course Logic


Training content

This course analyzes problems, makes decisions, and solves problems in the spirit of open, proactive, rational, systematic, and process-oriented thinking.

Course Topics

(First level of catalog)

Training Topics

(Secondary Catalog)

Time of instruction

Teaching Methods

Clarify the problem:

Recognizing the nature of the problem is the starting point for fundamental problem solving.

Global Game: Harvest Season

The fundamental purpose of clarification is to "get the facts right", and the main steps are:

1. Describe the problem

Principles for describing the problem

2. Concretizing the problem

5W1H method

Samsara (name)

Principles and checklists for issue refinement

3. Sorting the issues

Principles of problem sequencing

Urgency, significance, trends

4. Decide on a starting point for analysis

cause analysis approach


Program analysis


Classroom Lectures

Case Study

Practical exercises

Role play 



SSAP form

Cause analysis:

Knowing the reason for not knowing the reason is not able to solve the problem, must recognize the reason why the problem occurs in order to truly and accurately solve the problem.

The fundamental purpose of cause analysis is to "find out why things happen", and the main steps are:

1. Description of the problem

Describe the ten dimensions of the problem

2. Finding and comparing comparators

Finding the right comparison

3. Looking for clues

Finding clues to the problem

Criteria and deviations

4. Inferring probable cause

Brainstorming (pioneering method)

Troubleshooting (Trial & Error)

Fishbone Diagram (Problem & Criteria) Method

Common sense analysis method (expert method)

Logical Flaw Method (Comparative Method)

Logical Conditions, Logical Relationships, Logical Consequences

Logical Relationships - Deduction, Inference, Extrapolation

5. Examine the probable cause

6. Verify probable cause

Expert method

sample verification method


Classroom Lectures

Case Study

Practical exercises



SCAP forms

Decision Analysis.

Making decisions is the situation we face the most in our daily work and life, often not without a solution, but with a multitude of answers to choose from.

The fundamental purpose of decision making is to "make sound decisions" and the main steps are:

1. Describe the objectives of the decision

SMART approach to goal setting

2. Setting decision-making criteria

restrictive condition

Elements of expectation


3. Identifying options

brainstorming method

Osborne checklist method

preference matrix

4. Conducting risk assessments

likelihood of significance

Risk assessment matrix

Acquisition of support


Classroom Lectures

Case Study

Practical exercises



SDAP forms 

Plan for implementation:

Good decisions must be accompanied by good planning and execution to solve problems.

The fundamental purpose of program analysis is to "ensure that the program is fully implemented and continuously improved", and the main steps are.:

1. Describe the goals of the program

Break down the plan into 6 elements of action

2. Develop action steps and identify critical links

3. Identify potential problems

4. Develop preventive and contingency measures


Classroom Lectures

Case Study

Practical exercises



SPAP form

Problem analysis and resolution summary and practice

Problem analysis and solution must be to solve the actual problem, through the actual exercise of the actual problem of the enterprise, and combined with the lecturer's comments, proficiency in problem analysis and solution methodology process.


classroom teaching