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LEGO's "Electronic Product Cost Reduction Assessment" Training Completed Successfully

Author:Suzhou Sincere


Company Description:

In 1932, Danish carpenter Ole Kirk Christiansen invented an interlocking plastic toy and created the brand "lego" by combining the words "Leg" and "Godt" ("play well" in Danish). The brand "lego" was created by combining the words "Leg" and "Godt" ("play well" in Danish).

Headquartered in Billund, Denmark, LEGO Toys is a privately owned, family-run company. It is a global leader in providing high-quality products and experiences that mimic children's creativity, imagination and learning, and its products encourage hands-on, minds-on creativity through playful activities that stimulate playfulness and promote unity and shared thinking. 

From 2021, LEGO continuously invites Hipson Training Center to participate in the DIEP Empowerment Program.

LEGO "Electronic Product Cost Reduction Assessment" Training

Sincere Training Center's team of SMT/PCB/PCBA experts will discuss with LEGO how to achieve sustainable cost reductions and efficiencies through design, material, technology, equipment and assembly alternatives, as well as by combining case studies from leading companies in the industry, We will discuss with LEGO the cost reduction solutions that can achieve sustainable cost reduction, efficiency improvement and product structure optimization.



Influential Communication and Expression

Combined with LEGO's diversification strategy, strengthening the global market orientation, the demand for composite (hard and soft skills) talent development, to create an all-round, professional, high quality team. Through the trinity of "training", "practice" and "war", we ensure that the learning program is put into practice. After two days of professional and systematic training, the project was delivered perfectly. After the training, the students will be coached for three months and transformed into applications in the form of scenario challenges and competitive speeches!



Ideas determine the way forward - the impact of a shift in thinking on workplace development


Effective Presentation - Focused Thinking


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