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We interviewed these HRDs to help you out!

Author:Suzhou Sincere


Team management is the process by which team members under the management, coordination and guidance of a team leader coordinate with each other to achieve common goals and tasks. Team management is always essential for the development and growth of businesses and organizations.


I. Five core elements of team management

1. Clear objectives

Clear objectives are the first element of team management. Leaders should give team members clear goals and directions for their work. Only clear goals allow members to create practical action plans that can be continuously adjusted and improved.

2. Effective communication

Communication, both internally and with external parties, is a crucial aspect of team management. Leaders should ensure that all team members are able to understand and follow communication guidelines, actively share information, and support and collaborate with each other.

3. Trust building

Trust building is a difficult and lengthy process that requires a high degree of responsibility and listening patience on the part of the leader. Building trust requires business and organizational leaders to maintain a posture of humility, practice candor, communicate clearly, and take tangible action when appropriate.

4. Effective leadership

Leaders need to realize the potential of their "leadership role" in providing guidance and support to their team members. Leaders not only need to understand the personalities and strengths and weaknesses of their team members, but also need to motivate them differently so that their potential can be more effectively realized. Leaders need to learn and practice to make better decisions.

5. Reasonable collaboration

When team members have a common goal and a corresponding action plan, they need to collaborate effectively with each other, following the principle of "complementarity", in order to achieve a successful project completion. Proper division of labor is also a necessary term for further collaboration. The leader should clearly indicate the responsibilities of each member, differentiate between them, and frequently update the responsibilities and tasks of the team members.

II. Five effective methods of efficient team management

(1) The first secret: trust

Trust is the first element of the team, if the manager establishes a solid foundation of trust within the team, then management costs will be greatly reduced. As a manager to build trust with the team, pay attention to grasp the following three aspects, words and deeds.

Win-win thinking can managers consider for the team, the win-win situation of the whole team as an important goal, the whole team should adopt an open and transparent way of interaction, so as to build trust in the team.

(2) The second secret: the team should have a unified and clear goals

The process of leading the team, to adhere to the goal-oriented, quantitative goals have many benefits, but team members if only for a bunch of numbers and work, everyone's motivation is likely to be insufficient, the goal to obtain a team consensus, only the entire team has formed a consensus on the goal, the entire team can be more proactive in the process of the later implementation of the consensus can not be formed to a large extent with the goal has no significance, there is a The ability to form a consensus, to a large extent, with the goal has no meaning, there is a great relationship.

(3) The third secret: management process

If the entire process can be continuously optimized, then the team can achieve overall improvement through the process, which can be used to grasp the key points of the process through the poker method, the use of poker for the process management process, combined with the concept of process reengineering to continuously optimize the process.

(4) the fourth secret: commitment to the common commitment of the team

Let the team is willing to commit but is not an easy thing, as managers need to grasp the 5 links, so that the whole team is willing to commit to create a courageous team culture, team culture will affect the behavior of each team member's way of focusing on the pre-preparatory padding and communication, for the important work tasks, managers who engage in a surprise attack, it is likely that the staff will be very difficult to accept for a moment, which will produce resistance, resulting in We are not willing to accept, so for important work managers need to advance in the team to pave the way, so that we have a certain degree of psychological preparation, so that in the arrangement of work tasks, the acceptance of everyone will be higher, the full communication of the significance of the task and resources, when discussing with the team the arrangements for important work tasks, managers should communicate with the team members to fully communicate the significance of the task and the resources, and to pay attention to these two points of communication successive The order of communication, first communicate the meaning of the task, and then communicate the resources to complete the task, timely tracking of task progress and good incentives. For important tasks, managers should pay attention to, on the one hand, let the team members will be more solid, on the other hand, to prevent the project encountered difficulties can not be resolved in a timely manner and delayed. When the project is completed, managers should give timely incentives to the team or members to complete the task, on the one hand, can let employees feel their own significance, on the other hand This is also an important way to create a team culture of courage to undertake.

(5) The fifth secret: to have efficient communication

A team that communicates efficiently needs to do three things well:

(1) there are words willing to say, reflecting whether members feel safe team atmosphere, which is also the keyword premise for managers to understand the front-line staff.

(2) have something to say straight, can greatly improve the efficiency of communication, a lot of things do not have to go around in circles, and soon be able to talk about the core point of the problem, which has a lot to do with the team's degree of trust, if the degree of trust is high tend to be easier to have something to say straight.

(3) have a good word, is to refer to team members have good communication skills, both to make the problem clear, but also does not hurt each other's relationship, have a good word is the need for training, and not all people can do at the beginning, so managers have to give the team to provide a certain amount of training in communication skills to help team members to master this skill.

These five core elements of team management are the foundation of a successful team. If leaders are able to understand and implement these elements, they will be able to move their teams forward and achieve more.

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